COMTRANS Ltd., specialising in trade, service and development of information technology, has been operating since 1990.
The initial activity of our company was providing Internet service. Our company launched the first MATÁV Internet service and maintained that during a period of a year within the district of the directorate of the MATÁV Joined Stock Company. Furthermore, our company installed the first nationwide Secondary School Internet System, which includes 12 centres and 80 related points within the framework of the World Bank project.
Later, Internet-based development and services became our core activity.
Our company has carried out several significant regional and nationwide implementations of integrated IT projects. We are still involved in such tasks, most of which are IT application projects supported by EU funds.
Our employees have huge, advanced computing knowledge and many years’ experience in the fields of integrated IT development, installation, and testing and building of computing networks. In addition, our employees are also skilled in the fields of ongoing consultancy and system surveillance, which is required for operating these systems.
During its activity, COMTRANS Ltd. works together with one of the largest information technology developers of the region, the University of Miskolc. Besides, we are a member of the North Hungarian IT Cluster. These synergies guarantee the quality of product and service developments and the development of new innovative products, which provides us with further opportunities for progress.
Development of interactive digital learning materials for educational institutions and businesses along with the necessary frameworks based on the customer’s specific demands.
In most cases, we apply our internally developed netLearn educational framework, with our self-developed SCORM-compatible and multifunctional digital learning material developer. If needed, we also carry out development tasks related to any SCORM compatible educational frameworks.
Development of software with mechanical code, which is required for the local operation of technical equipment.
Development and integration of Internet-based applications in relation to the operation of technical equipment.
As a sub-contractor, we are ready to undertake custom programming tasks according to a given system design and by a given deadline.
In our developments, we always apply the solutions that are the most appropriate or the ones that have been requested by the customer
Our company undertakes the development of custom online management, distribution, advisory and mentor systems.
If required, we carry out search engine optimization, or we integrate our products with online payment systems.
Website creation according to the trends with responsive design , and by using a client-side technology supporting it.
Our websites are usually based on our internally developed CMS system or, if requested, any other widely used system that allows for remote and unskilled maintenance.
For the analysis of large chunks of already existing or daily generated data, we develop a Big Data-based software. Besides, if needed, we can also analyse the provided data by our own Big Data software.
In Big Data Analyses, we always apply the most suitable software for the customer’s needs.
We undertake computer modelling and the development of mathematical model based software that are necessary to the mathematical simulations, even for supercomputers.
We undertake the computer modelling of currents in porous media containing single-phase solutes.
We undertake the operation of software system developed by us if it is required by the customer.
The operation can happen in cloud or on the institution’s own server. Besides, we provide continuous remote monitoring.
3530 Miskolc, Kisavas I.sor 4.
3515 Miskolc, Egyetem u. 7.
Copyright © 2016 COMTRANS Ltd.